Tuesday, January 17, 2012


"When God closes one door, do not automatically look for the next open door to open. Sometimes its meant for you to be still and enjoy being freed up!"

And I so enjoy being free!! I've been single for a little while now, but I took the liberty of trying to date again about 7 months ago.  And what a disaster it has been! lol  I've met some interesting people...well, let me be honest, a couple of them were just weird.  Nice clean cut men, but MAJOR issues.  I'm sure they have their opinion about me as well.  Being the no nonsense woman that I am, I can admit my patience is low when it comes to certain things.  I have been blessed to be in order and I dont take that lightly.  I would love to find another human being of the male gender that is in order as well.  I think all single and saved women would love to find a man in order and living his life to the best of his abilities.

Dating is one of my least favorite things to do.  I hate having the "first" date and then trying to figure out who they truly are and what they want.  I hate having to read between the lines and play the game that most men try to play.  I've discovered that most men arent really interested in getting to know what's beyond the surface.  They're attracted to a girl, like her style and boom!! They are ready to play!!  They don't care about how you feel or what makes you tick.  Well, it didnt take me long to realize that what I want and need is going to be hard to find.  I recently stop seeing a young man, because we just were not compatible.  I think he is a nice guy but just not the one for me.  That night it dawned on me.  It's ok to be single!  I am alone but I am not lonely.  There is a major difference.  I was dating because someone convinced me that I had been single too long.  But I wasn't enjoying it.  I wasnt lonely, I just thought that maybe it was time to get back out there. But I enjoy my space. I enjoy not being accountable to anyone right now.  Now don't get me wrong, I would love to be involved but it has to be with the right one!  But until then God wants us to enjoy the "in the meantime".  Not be stressed or worried about being alone.  But enjoying our lives.  I have an active and busy life that I truly enjoy. I have a great sista-circle, close family, and awesome sons.  So, I've decided to put dating on hold.  Because obviously He wants me to be still and enjoy being free to focus on this full and wonderful life he has blessed me with!! 

So my single sisters, enjoy your life.  Don't allow yourself to get caught up in being alone (especially if you are not lonely).  Get moving, get active, get busy enjoying your life.  That man will come along in time, but dont be sitting around waiting on him and letting life pass you by.  Enjoy being free!!!!!!!!!  :-)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hello all!  This is Pepper. The other half of this dynamic duo.  I am divorced and the mother of 2 sons.  I like Salt, am a Christian. I have a rich and full life taking care of my family.  This past year definitely brought its share of challenges for me. But I believe that the new year will bring about change in my life and  I am so excited!!  Salt and I have been friends for years and consider ourselves "twins" despite our many differences. While she considers herself the goofy one, I, on the other hand, am the serious more shy one.  I am more of an introvert and like to keep to myself while Salt doesnt meet a stranger.  But with all our differences, we find a balance that works.  I guess we balance each other.  Over the years, we have had many interesting conversations and perspectives.  So we decided it would be very interesting to create a blog and share our different perspectives.  You will soon find that we both have an opinion about everything!!! lol. So stay tuned..... :-)